Payment methods for Shock Models

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Payment methods for Shock Models

Post by Eugenia2021 »

Payment methods for Shock Models

1. The most profitable way: Create your wallet payeer for a minute and pay with it!

2. With the help of crypt Bitcoin and others (Bitcoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Litecoin).
Addresses and rates ask the administrator after registering on the forum in private messages.

Addresses and rates ask the administrator after registering on the forum in private messages.
Overpayment of 20% for the help of intermediaries.

4. Other payment options, using the exchanger and transferring money through it to the Shock Models payeer purse.

Links: Nix Exchange


5. Buy NFT tokens for the amount of services, if the link to the token is included in the model's questionnaire, and the action - when purchasing NFT, the service will be provided free of charge. All tokens: /forum/viewforum.php?f=176
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